"This is the
day, which the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24.
Greetings to all of Gods people,
I thank God for the strength he has
given us through his darling son Jesus Christ. He has done and is
doing great and marvelous things for us. Our hearts are full of joy
and gladness.
Saints of God we need the Lord as
never before in a time as this. Our world is in such a chaotic
state, but the saints of God have the victory. We long to hear the
voice of God, but God comes to us daily as we read his word, pray,
and commune with him. We open ourselves to the splendor of God each
new day, even as we go about the ordinary routines of work and
family life.
I pray that God will continue to work
miracles, heal the sick and the sin sick souls. I pray that he will
reveal himself even more to all that will accept his power.
Now beloved, let us remain prayerful
that God will continue to bless us. Let us be consistent in fasting
and prayer that the Lord will have His way and be glorified in all
that we say and do.
First Lady Alma
J. Fanniel