Usher Board
President: Sis. E. Moore
Vice President: Sis. Fitzgerald
The Usher board consists of men and women who have organized and dedicated themselves as one to keep order and peace in the Lord’s house. This usher plays the role of a silent evangelist. The usher gives the first impression with a smile which reassures the person that they are in the Lord’s house.
Brotherhood Department
Our purpose is to bring men of all ages to the knowledge of who God is their need for salvation, their God given responsibilities in the home and community. We are developing committed relationships by focusing on the spiritual, educational, and personal development of young men. We are here to provide support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and constructive examples.
“In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorrupt ness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned…”Titus 2:7, 8.
Young Women’s Christian Council (YWCC)
President: Sis. G. Simmons
Vice President: Sis. S. Fanniel
The YWCC is a group of women from the age of nineteen to an indefinite age. This group is too old for the Purity class and too young for the Mother’s board. She has possibly overcome the stupidity of adolescence and is tempted to lean on her own strength when she faces her college years, marriage, motherhood, and very soon the summit of leadership.
The prime purpose is to gather these young women together and channel their minds into productive motives of Christian endeavor. Here they are trained to be homemakers, lovers of their husband, auxiliary leaders, prayer warriors, and lovers of God.
Mission Department
President: Sis. R. Terry
The Mission Dept. has a passion to continue the progression of teaching the gospel to educate, train, and develop students to be mission minded in all aspects of mission work.
These selected workers carry the gospel to those who have not been able to hear and accept the gospel. We as mission workers have the responsibilities for the gathering of souls for the Kingdom of God.
Sunday School Department
President: Brother V. Coker
Vice President: Brother D. Tatmon
The Sunday school is far the GREATEST school in the world. This is where we learn God’s word and how to receive eternal life. To be a Sunday school worker is one that carries much more honor than usually recognized. One of the greatest honors that can be bestowed upon a saint is to be addressed as a “Sunday School worker”. Remember: If you know your bible the Sunday school needs you; but if you don’t know your bible, YOU need the Sunday school.
Bible Band Department
President: Sis. L. Adams
Vice President: Sis. Z. Jackson
The purpose of Bible band is to train men and women to know their bibles that they may become acquainted with the Word of God. In knowing God’s word, you will be able to lead others to God’s righteousness. The principal objective is for Christ to be in the hearts of God’s people and for their testimonies to always honor Him.
Young People Willing Workers
Training Union
C |
hrist is the answer |
Acts 4:12 |
O |
ccupy till I come |
Luke 19:13 |
G |
row in grace |
2 Peter 3:18 |
I |
n all thy ways acknowledge him |
Proverbs 3:6 |
C |
leave to that which is good |
Romans 12:9 |
Our Pledge
We pledge our unselfish devotion and loyalty to the principles and doctrine of our COGIC faith; to be representative of holiness in our everyday life; and to let our lives be the mirror that reflects the image of Christ.
Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling,
and to present you faultless before the presence
of His glory with exceeding joy,
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty,
dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 24-25
Pastor’s Aide Department
President: Sis. J. O’Neal
We are a group of people with a goal to first do the will of God and next aide our pastor and his wife. We must lead the congregation to fulfill the biblical responsibilities of proving for the pastor’s needs. We ensure that the pastor is able to faithfully and effectively fulfill his ministerial responsibilities and support his endeavors both professionally and personally.
Choir Department
President: Missionary A. Fanniel
Minister of Music: Sis. L. Fanniel
Youth & Young Adult Choir: Bro. P. Fanniel
Male Chorus: Elder M. Fanniel
The Lily of the Valley Church of God in Christ choir is an Anointed group of men and women devoted to serving the Lord through song and praise! The purpose of the choir is to sing praises to God and prepare the hearts of the people for His Word.
The choir department consists of the Mass Choir, Youth & Young adult, Male chorus, Women’s choir, Valley singers, and Sunshine Band choir.
Musical staff: Organ: Bro. P. Fanniel
Piano: Sis. L. Fanniel
Drums: Sis. K. Cooper
Lead guitar: Elder M. Fanniel
Bass guitar: Bro. T. Harris
Directors: Sis. C. Buchanan, Sis. A. Person, Sis. S. Tatmon
Hospitality Department
President: Sis. S. Mirant
The Hospitality is a group of women showing kindness to members, visitors, and special guests. These are women who love people and enjoy making others happy through the giving of gifts, preparing food, entertaining guests, consoling a family member that has lost a love one or what ever to make one comfortable.
Purity Class Department
President: Sis. C. Buchanan
Vice President:
The Purity class is preparing young people to be spiritually victorious. Efforts are also made to teach how to apply spiritual principles when dealing with practical issues of life; such as finances, education, careers, dating and marriage.
“Let, Therefore Purity Reign”
Let therefore Purity reign in the heart of every boy and girl or Mister and Miss Purity. Let Purity rule! Let Purity govern! Let it be your inner – most being. Purity, Purity, Purity.
Sunshine Band Department
President: Sis. Coker
The Sunshine Band age is from 0-11years old. The Sunshine Band challenges our little people to learn about the bible at an early age. It teaches them the books of the bible, the Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, bible characters and bible stories. It also teaches them about respect for others as well as for themselves. The Sunshine band promotes self-esteem, self assurance, and guidance on being a child of the King.